Application for Admission Child's InformationSurname *First Name *Middle Name *Date of Birth *Gender *MaleFemaleSelect GenderNationality *State of Origin *Religion *Current Class *Last School Attended *Child's Strength *Child's Weakness *CLASS - AGE STRUCTURE POLICY Emerald Springs School Akure is committed to adhering strictly to the class-age structure written below after careful research and observation of the relationship between age and children's social, academic, and emotional development. Creche: 3 - *14 Months (Terms and Conditions apply) Toddler Class: 14 Months - 2 years Pre Nursery: 2+ years - 3+ years Nursery: 3+ years - 4+ years Reception: 4+years - 5 +years Year 1 to Year 5: 5+ to 10 yearsClass Applied for *Class seeking admission into:CrecheToddlers ClassPre NurseryNurseryReceptionYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Parent InfomationFatherFather's Name *Father's Email *Father's Phone Number *Father's Current Residential Address *Father's Profession *Father's Work Address *MotherMother's Name *Mother's Email *Mother's Phone Number *Mother's Current Residential Address *Mother's Profession *Mother's Work Address *Emergency InformationChild Allergies *Family Hospital Name *Family Hospital Address *Family Doctor Name *Family Doctor Phone Number *File UploadsNOTEYou are required to upload evidence of payment of our Application fee. The application fee is N3,000 (Three Thousand Naira only) payable to ACCOUNT NAME: Emerald Springs School BANK: Sterling Bank ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0068233216Upload Passport *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileMaximum of 5MBEvidence of Payment *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileMaximum of 5MBChild Birth Certificate *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileMaximum of 5MBChild Immunization Record Card *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileMaximum of 5MBSubmit
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